Love the game
Love the game
I love it because its actually like a real denstist!
This game gives you a good idea of what a dentist does
I love this!
It is a fun game to play
Im just here to unlock Harry styles
You get experience of a dentist
Super cool game i love it i hope lots or people download it
Its a good app I recommend anyone to play especially if you want to be a dentist when you get older
No lie this is the best game ever.
This game is so weird. It does not react well to the things you are doing. The people look no where close to the real thing.
It is a good game but there is barely anything you can use
This game is a little too hard for younger children!
Do not have instructions No gidence No fun But a good time passer
I love the game its so much fun!!!!!!!!!
Game is good and fun
Its ok but it still needs improvements
I love the app I would give it a 4 star rating.
Its a really fun game
Its was okay Id like to have more people unlocked